This innovative coaching inquiry group is now approaching its seventeen year and is going from strength to strength. Over this period a core group of experienced coaches and scholar-practitioners have in the course of dialogue together, progressively deepened their understanding of themes that ask critical questions of coaching practice. These explorations concentrate on the unpicking and examining of conventional coaching wisdom – especially those ideas that represent prevailing fads and fashions. The purpose of this inquiry is to improve and refine practice, not to pour scorn upon it.
This core group comprises a cadre of experienced coaches who are prepared to explore sometimes uncomfortable issues on that edge, within the safety that this group affords. An important element is that in the often isolated and lonely profession that is coaching, the CCG meets a heartfelt need for seasoned professionals to meet together face to face for a concentrated period of shared deep refection. The allowance of hesitation and general breathing space has grown a CCG culture not only of challenge, but of nurture in the face of an often forbidding commercial context.
The CCG takes pride in its independence. It is not aligned to any particular coaching body, university, or coaching skills provider. It is fully self funded, and actively discourages promotion of products or guerrilla marketing.
CCG format, membership and organization · CCG is a subscription organisation, where members pay £150 per annum on the basis that the core group will commit to meeting together approximately monthly for two hours online and three times per year in person, pandemics permitting, to build continuity of inquiry and dialogue. For more information on this transition to online, please refer to page ‘CCG New Direction’ on this landing page.
Dr Daniel Doherty is the chair and coordinator for this group – and can be found at New members are often invited to join at the behest of existing subscribers. We are not looking to grow substantially and find an upper limit of forty or so members is sufficient to promote the quality of dialogue we seek. If you wish to join and do not know a current subscribing member then please contact Daniel on the above email.·
The location of our meetings is at the Arnos Manor Hotel Bristol BS4 3HQ is located just off the M32 on the Bath road with ample parking and also near the main Bristol rail station of Temple meads.